
Reaper is a game of strategy and patience where you try to gain as much time as possible. It originated from AoPS.

  1. You may reap only if either condition is satisfied:
    1. You were not the last person to reap and your cooldown expired, or
    2. You have a free reap, in which case that free reap will be used up.
  2. When you reap, your score will usually increase by the number of seconds since the previous reap.
  3. Every time you reap, you have a 4% chance of getting a free reap. Free reaps can be used whenever you want with no restrictions.
  4. Every time you reap, the number of seconds you reaped may randomly multiply. Reaper multipliers vanish if a user reaped for more than 1 hour. Probabilities are listed below:

Reaper Commands

PureMOOt administers games of reaper per channel.

Permissions: Normal User

Reap the time since the last reap! If you have a free reap and you use this command when your cooldown hasn’t expired or you were the last one to reap, you will use up a free reap.

/reaper leaderboard [gameid]
Permissions: Normal User

Returns an embed with a pretty-printed leaderboard of the top 20 participants. [gameid] is optional and assumed to be the round number of the currently active game.

/reaper when
Permissions: Normal User

Shows when your cooldown expires and how many free reaps you have.

/reaper last
Permissions: Normal User

Shows who the last person to reap was.

/reaper score [user] [gameid]
Permissions: Normal User

Returns the score and rank for a user in reaper round [gameid] on that channel.

/reaper active
Permissions: Normal User

Returns the currently active game of reaper.

/reaper cancel [gameid]
Permissions: Manager

Cancel the game of reaper with id [gameid].

/reaper init [win] [cooldown]
Permissions: Manager

Create a new reaper round on a channel. [win] seconds to win and [cooldown] seconds between reaps.

© Juni Kim 2023-2024