
Internal roles

PureMOOt has two internal roles that it keeps track of:

  • Anyone who is a “manager” can use all the admin commands of PureMOOt.
    • By default, this is anyone who either:
      1. has “administrator,” or
      2. has both “manage server” and “view audit log”
  • Anyone who is a “cow” will be assigned to randomized DM’s.
    • By default, this will correspond to any role with the name “cow” ignoring cases.

The corresponding commands are as follows:

/pmmanager set [roletype] [discord role]
Permissions: Manager

Set the internal role [roletype] (which is either “manager” or “cow”) to correspond with anyone who holds the [discord role] role.

/pmmanager unset [roletype]
Permissions: Manager

Set the internal role [roletype] back to its default as described above.

/pmmanager get [roletype]
Permissions: Normal User

See the discord role that corresponds to the internal role [roletype]

Reaper Bans

PureMOOt managers can ban any user from reaping on a channel for misconduct, which may include:

  1. Using alt accounts
  2. Using a bot to automate reaping
/pmmanager rban [user]
Permissions: Manager

Ban this user from reaping on this channel.

/pmmanager rallow [user]
Permissions: Manager

Allow this user to reap on this channel.

/pmmanager rpermitted [user]
Permissions: Normal User

Check if this user is allowed to reap on this channel.

Broadcasting Bans

PureMOOt managers can ban users from broadcasting in a channel if it results in abuse/spam/etc.

/pmmanager bban
Permissions: Manager

Ban anonymous broadcasting on the channel where the command was sent.

/pmmanager ballow
Permissions: Manager

Allow anonymous broadcasting on the channel where the command was sent.

/pmmanager bpermitted
Permissions: Normal User

See if broadcasting is permitted on the channel where the command was sent.

© Juni Kim 2023-2024